Stormwater Management System for Fairway

Stormwater Management System for Fairway

MSR Solutions was first contacted by Canreal Management in January 2020. The loading dock at the Fairway market experienced prolonged flooding after three days of rain with approximately 44 mm of rainfall.

The market is located in the Langford Centre shopping plaza at 776 Goldstream Avenue in Langford, BC. The loading dock is at the end of Danbrook Avenue, on the north side of the shopping complex. It sits adjacent to Danbrook Park and acts as the low point to the surrounding catchment area.

After three days of downpour, it is assumed that some of the rain drained off adjacent roofs, driveways and the park and towards the driveway stormwater system. The stormwater system consisted of a catch basin, seepage basin, and infiltration chamber. The design could catchment area of approximately 600 m2.

Much Needed Stormwater Managemenet

MSR Solutions suggested a new stormwater system as a long-term solution to prevent frequent flooding events.

GRAF EcoBloc Stormater Management System

A new Type II Oil Interceptor and a EcoBloc Stormwater management system by GRAF offered an alternative to traditional gravel-based infiltration.  The system has square high-quality plastic units that are durable, 100% recyclable, and offer up to 97% reservoir volume (compared to 40% of gravel). MRS arranged the system in rectangular shapes and stacked them to maximize space on site.

MSR completed construction for this project which started at the end of October 2020. Full installation completed in November 2020.