MSR Solutions is moving forward with a new three year plan! This plan includes continuing to be a game changer in the engineering world.
“We are committed to providing heartfelt services with integrity for the benefit of all our clients,” said CEO Mike Seymour. “My role is to support people in their decision making process and to hold them answerable for their actions. It is about educating them on the risks and rewards of an improved development, and how responsibility is directed to the developer, the regulator, the engineer, and the end user public. Authority and responsibility are clearly understood, and past practice is determined as valid, or inconsistent with the project, and therefore change is sought.”
In the afternoon session the team discussed the three year plan, which included continuing to raise the standards of regulators and making them accountable. “It is about asking questions and having them explain their reasoning until it makes sense, or they change it so it does make sense,” said Seymour. The session also included defining and supporting different team members in their roles, while continuing to improve communication and customer service. Staff may also be included in profit sharing.
MSR is truly a team effort and with afternoon sessions like this one, it can only ensure each and every member of the team is engaged and knows how valuable they are to the success of the whole.