Highly treated effluent as a beneficial discharge to wetlands | Registration Submitted
MSR Solutions has been busy as of late with the submission of Registration documents to the Ministry of Environment for discharge of highly treated effluent as a beneficial discharge to wetlands. This method of discharge to the receiving environment falls under the beneficial water use aspects of the Municipal Wastewater Regulations (MWR) for discharges over 22,700 Litres/day. This first registration is soon to be followed by a larger application which will see beneficial reuse to wetlands, as well as irrigation for food production and landscaping; reuse for toilet flushing; and for additional fire flow. An added benefit is both the reduction in water demands from domestic water needs and surface water licenses, as well as using the water twice prior to returning it highly treated to provide environmental flows to the environment. This requires a high quality secondary disinfected effluent, referred to as Class A effluent under the MWR, and will be partly achieved through the use of membrane technology, to which we have been designing into our treatment systems for over 20 years.

Small Water System Review | Qathet Regional District
MSR Solutions was recently awarded a project by the qathet Regional District to review a small water system in need of improvements and understanding of anticipated costs over the next 5-10 years. The results of the report were well received and have been beneficial in understanding the unique needs of a small water system in a remote area. As a result of the report, the qRD submitted a request for grant funding, which also required a water conservation plan. MSR was retained to provide this on very short notice and with the support of staff to put in additional effort, we were able to deliver a strategy in support of water conservation which addressed the needs for this water system and provided the qRD with a road map for other small utilities.

Replacement of aging water infrastructure | Duncan Strata
MSR Solutions has been retained by a strata in Duncan to support the replacement of their aging water infrastructure. The first step is working in coordination with Coast Geotechnical and Skyline Structural Engineering to determine soil conditions and structural requirements for a new bolted steel tank reservoir. The site has a steep slope near the site of the reservoir we need to maintain soil stability and slope setbacks as well as find creative and cost-effective solutions.