Weekly Win

by | Aug 29, 2022 | news, updates | 0 comments

Recent Weekly Win

Every Thursday afternoon, MSR has a weekly win/team-building meeting to wrap up the week.

This week, 4 teams were each given 3 feet of string, 3 feet of masking tape, 20 raw spaghetti sticks & 1 marshmallow. The goal was to build the tallest free-standing structure with the marshmallow on top, in 20 minutes. The marshmallow could not be eaten or reduced in size in any way. All the other components were not mandatory to use completely.

The results

Taryn & Samuel won for tallest structure. Nazila & Anastasiia won 2nd place for stability and also for finishing under time. Jeff & TJ should have quit while they were ahead, building by far the tallest tower, though it was lacking in structural integrity.

This week’s weekly win wrapped up another great team effort using co-operation, innovation & creativity.