Cherry Point Marina

by | Oct 12, 2018 | Analysis and Consultation, news, Wastewater Treatment | 0 comments

Cowichan Bay –  BC

MSR Solutions Inc. has completed a comprehensive study for Cherry Point Marina on possible wastewater treatment servicing options. The marina owner supports the two following options:

Onsite Treatment and Discharge to the CVRD Outfall

This proposed option offers an on-site package treatment plant and off-site disposal using the CVRD outfall. We propose a Class A treatment system for this option. Discharge to water bodies is allowed using the CVRD’s waste discharge authorization, with an amendment application. The connection to the outfall requires approval from the CVRD and MoE.

Influent Disposal to Lambourn WWTP through Neighbouring Property

In this option the marina wastewater treatment servicing is provided by the Lambourn WWTP. It will be via a new forcemain through the neighbouring property to the CVRD’s existing pump station. Approximately half of the forcemain will lie on the neighbouring property. Therefore the proposed forcemain will require support from the neighbouring property owner.