Prospect Lake: Upgrade to residential wastewater treatment

Prospect Lake: Upgrade to residential wastewater treatment

MSR Solutions was ask to assist in a residential wastewater treatment project at 5010 Echo Drive in Saanich, BC. This 0.3 ha residential property sits on the east edge of Prospect Lake in Saanich, BC.

Development planned for 5010 Echo Drive increases the number of bedrooms on the property. This addition will increase the number of people living on the property.

The upgrade was to support up to 3,800 L/d of sewage flows generated by the additional occupants. This is a new residential wastewater treatment and disposal system design.

The new treatment system produces advanced Type 2 effluent using a Whitewater package treatment system and an Emperor UV system. Micro-dosing will be provided to an infiltration bed disposal system consisting of perforated laterals in a gravel bed over top of a sand layer and native soil.

Construction was completed and final site inspection was done on February 23.

Letter of Certification submitted to Island Health on March 10, 2021.

For more information on our wastewater treatment projects see our services page

FirCrest Water Treatment System

FirCrest Water Treatment System

Fircrest RV Resort retained the services of MSR Solutions to provide recommendation for a water system leading to the design and construction of the facilities and to obtain a Temporary Use Permit or TUP.

Fircrest Lakeside RV Resort lies approximately 7.5 Km northwest of Lac La Hache, BC on Highway 97 North in the Cariboo Regional District. The Resort now consists of a mix of RV sites and cabins for a total of 104 units.

MSR Solutions reviewed the well capacity testing Report by Golder Associates (2009), along with other research reports to support the basis for a design solution. They determined the anticipated average and maximum water demands for sizing of the water system. MSR Solutions reviewed the water quality results and considered treatment options based on past project experience with similar water quality issues.

Meeting Water Quality Guidelines

Fircrest RV Resort proposed to use the original campground as a single water user development for up to 60 seasonal recreational vehicle sites on the old water system. This system consists of 50 mm polyethylene pipe and an operating pressure of about 280 kPa (40 psi). This is different from the current land zoning so FirCrest required a (TUP). As a condition of the TUP, the new water system had to ensure the existing well can meet current Canadian Drinking Water Quality Guidelines.

MSR Solutions addressed treatment and distribution options at FirCrest in the past. They also received some approvals for a fee simple development with the CRD as owners of the water system. However, due to various constraints within the CRD, MSR Solutions had to delay upgrade plans.

Fircrest Upgrades

MSR Solutions Inc. supplied Fircrest RV Resort suggestions for upgrades to the systems to meet the Canadian drinking water quality objectives and the current microbiological objectives for groundwater in BC. The design of the treatment facilities service an equivalent of 60 RV sites under a TUP.

Water comes from the existing well using the existing well pump. The raw water is then pumped into the treatment building and into the filter area. This area has a nanofiltration package skid mounted system for hardness and TDS reduction.

This is followed by two one-micron poly pleat cartridges in parallel. Two sets of two Viqua SV10 UV modules provide disinfection and cyst removal.

Water entering the storage tank get a chlorine injection provided with level floats. Based on CT calculation, the chlorine solution of 1 mg/L combined with the water must flow into the 3,000 US gal Norwesco vertical storage tank to provide the required contact time to obtain 4-log disinfection of the water.

After the water has achieved 4-log disinfection, an inline booster pump, in conjunction with a pneumatic tank, pressurizes the treated water to the resort. This provides a peak demand of 20 USgpm at 40 psi. The treated water exits the water treatment building connected to the water distribution system. The proposed system achieves or exceeds the current microbiological parameters.

Water Treatment Plant Now Complete

Fircrest RV reached substantial completion of its water treatment system under Construction Permit No. CP2020-100506. MSR Solutions has requested an Operating Permit.

The water treatment plant is complete and operational. The plant is suitable for winter mode (lower demand) operation. The smaller, indoor storage tank is installed and operational. The large tank has an installation date of April, for use during summer mode (larger demand).

Construction completed by October 22, 2020 and met all permit requirements including adequate horizontal and vertical separations. Water quality results show treated water meets the required guidelines. MSR Solutions will address the connection to the distribution system in the spring of 2021.

Onsite Wastewater System Upgrade: Nanaimo Regional Airport

Onsite Wastewater System Upgrade: Nanaimo Regional Airport

The Nanaimo Airport Commission (NAC) operates the Nanaimo Regional Airport. They have their own wastewater treatment and disposal on-site. NAC determined the wastewater system was in need of improvements. Odour concerns and increasing operational demands could impact regulatory compliance. A rapid increase in passenger demand in recent years also warranted an analysis of the capacity of the system. MSR Solutions reviewed the existing treatment system. We proposed upgrades to resolve the current issues and also improve capacity to meet future demands.

Wastewater Issues and Improvements

The existing wastewater treatment system at the Nanaimo Regional Airport had solids loading and equipment issues. These contributed to excessive maintenance costs and nuisance odours. In addition, increased passenger demands created a need for modifications to the wastewater system. These improvements increased capacity and reliability. MSR Solutions proposed the following improvements:

  • Reroute all collection piping directly into the existing lift station
  • Extend the gravity main from the new terminal building to the existing lift station
  • Replace the solids handling pumps in the existing lift station with grinder pumps
  • Install a 5,100 imp gal (23,100 L) Dan’s Precast equalization tank
  • Relocate the MicroFAST media to a new treatment location. In addition, we proposed installation of timer controlled pumps inside the new tanks to transfer sludge to an aerobic digestion tank.
  • Install a 3,560 gal (16,100 L) Dan’s Precast septic tank with air pumps and diffusers for aerobic sludge digestion.
  • Decommission the existing septic and MicroFAST tanks

Operation Complete

Information about the repairs and improved capacity of the current system went to The Ministry of the Environment. The wastewater system upgrade allows the airport to handle peak flow until 2028 without exceeding the maximum allowable discharge under the Registration. It also allows airport operations under its current Registration until flows become too great and they require additional capacity. The Ministry of the Environment received the filing in August. Construction was subsequently completed this fall with MSR provided field inspection. In February, MSR provided operator training and review of the O&M manual.

For other wastewater system upgrades we’ve been involved with, see our Wastewater Treatment Service page.

Grey Water Treatment: Croftonbrook Phase 2

Grey Water Treatment: Croftonbrook Phase 2

Phase 2 of the Croftonbook project is now underway. MSR Solutions Inc. is currently providing a review of the proposed grey water treatment and reuse system for Phase 2 of the Croftonbrook facilities on Salt Spring Island. They are also looking at capturing rainwater as an alternative water supply.

Grey Water and Water Conservation

Potable water comes from an onsite well. In order to conserve water, it has been proposed to use recycled grey water and captured rainwater to supply toilets in the new living units.

About Croftonbrook

Island Women Against Violence (IWAV) owns and operates Croftonbrook. It provides 20 units of subsidized rental housing for seniors and people with disabilities.  In response to the serious housing shortage in the community, IWAV proposed a 2-phase development to add 54 new rental units.

This is mixed model housing, so rentals will be available to individuals, couples and small families with low to moderate incomes.  Some of the units will be provided for people who are experiencing homelessness.

Croftonbrook provides independent supportive living for seniors and people with disabilities. The Phase 2 development involves the construction of a new two-story building. It will have twenty-two, one bedroom living units, with laundry facilities on each floor.

The Croftonbrook development has received capital funding through the CRD Regional Housing First Program. This is a partnership with CRD, BC Housing and Island Health.  The Salt Spring Island Foundation has also provided a grant to support the water system design.

For more information on projects and services, please visit our Services Page.

Onsite Sewage System: Millstream Industrial Park

Onsite Sewage System: Millstream Industrial Park

Millstream Industrial Park hired MSR Solutions Inc. (MSRS) to provide engineering services pertaining to the onsite wastewater treatment and disposal system for 790 Industrial Way. Daily flows for the facility will be less than 22,700 L/d (5,000 Imp gpd). The design and operation of the facility is governed by the Sewerage System Regulation (SSR) under a filing with Island Health.  Filed on April 29, 2020

New Onsite Sewage System

Unit 790 Industrial Way at Millstream Industrial Park requires a new onsite sewage system to replace the existing system. It services a 2-bedroom residence and an office space. A new treatment system consists of a Dan’s Precast 7728 L (1700 Imp Gal) 2-chamber septic tank. This is followed by a Dan’s Precast 2722 L (600 Imp gal) dosing chamber with duplex effluent pumps.

This will discharge to a distribution box, which will provide gravity dosing to three laterals. Within the disposal field, Eljen GSF modules and specified C33 sand are used to upgrade the effluent to Type 2 quality at the point of application.  Site report conducted on May 30, 2020.

For more information about MSR Solutions Inc. services, please visit our Services Page.

Clayoquot Wilderness Resort Update

Clayoquot Wilderness Resort Update

Below is an update on Clayoquot Resort sewage and water repairs.

The wastewater system/water treatment servicing the guest accommodation area was filed under the Sewerage System Regulation (SSR) in in 2011. The treatment system was assessed by MSR Solutions Inc., in May 2018. Most of the deficiencies identified have since been repaired. The assessment identified the existing disposal field had failed due to organic overloading.

Attempts to rehabilitate the field were unsuccessful, so a new force main was installed, and new infiltration basins were built close to the horse barn for effluent disposal. An amendment to the filing was submitted by MSR to document the replacement disposal area. The most recent assessment in October 2019 identified a few operation and maintenance recommendations to improve effluent quality and the longevity of the new infiltration basins. The investigation also identified a potential shortcoming of the original collection system that may partially explain the historically poor effluent quality. If effluent quality targets are not attainable during the 2020 season, despite appropriate routine monitoring and operation as outlined in the operating manual, installation of additional primary treatment (septic tanks) will substantially improve treatment system performance.

New Equipment Installed

New wastewater treatment and disposal systems were installed in 2019 to service the staff accommodation area. The new works have been filed by MSR under the SSR, and consist of primary sedimentation, aerobic treatment, secondary sedimentation with effluent filtration, and dispersal via rapid infiltration basins.

Clayoquot Wilderness Resort (CWR), located at the head of Bedwell Sound near Tofino, British Columbia, is serviced by one water system and two wastewater systems. Works have been implemented over the past 12 months to improve the performance and safety of these three utilities and bring them into compliance with the applicable provincial legislation.

Improvements for Safe Drinking Water

The water source for the resort is a single shallow well, which draws from an aquifer directly connected to the nearby Bedwell River. The Water Sustainability Act (WSA) and Drinking Water Protection Act (DWPA) set out standards for the construction and operation of wells and drinking water systems respectively.

Wellhead improvements, including installation of a well cap and surface grading, have been implemented to meet the standards of the WSA. The water source has been determined to be Groundwater Under Direct Influence (GWUDI) of surface water, which requires a treatment system that meets the Vancouver Island Health Authority’s (VIHA) “43210” policy. At CWR, this level of treatment is being attained by using 1-micron absolute filtration, UV disinfection, and chlorination.

Other Improvements

Other improvements to the water system include the installation of 36 m3 of treated water storage, well pump replacement, and reparation of several major leaks in the distribution system. An inspection was conducted in October. There are a few minor tasks to be completed on site prior to making application to VIHA to issue the drinking water system Operating Permit.

The work is still ongoing.  See our services page or search our site for more information on what MSR Solutions can do for your project.